Liquid Containment Treatment
Southwater can provide various skid and trailer mounted filter units units for rapid deployment to sites where light hydrocarbon and other problem contaminants can be treated prior to discharge or removal from site.

We target trace organic contaminants including:
industry solvents
light hydrocarbons – petrol and diesel
paint residues
micro organisms
We have two treatment flow options available.
Low flow:
Portable ‘Pure Filter’ activated carbon socks.
Roll out, re-useable low flow treatment to remove light hydrocarbons from problem spills and ponds (up to 5m3/hour flows per sock).
Individual Filter Socks can be manifolded in parallel to increase treatment flows.
These are ideal to have on standby on Council and Petrochemical servicing vehicles for spills and station API maintenance.
Southwater is the NZ distributor for Pure Filters USA. You can view their products here: www.pfilters.com
High flow:
Skid mounted unit.
Comprising two bag filters (800micron à 100micron) then pressure vessel of activated carbon.
These are ideal for gas station API clean outs, tank replacement projects, and general spills of light hydrocarbons.